Quel buon pastor son io

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DRAFT https://imslp.org/wiki/La_morte_d'Abel_(Caldara%2C_Antonio)

Philippe Jaroussky L'Arpeggiata cond.: Christina Pluhar

Philippe Jaroussky L'Arpeggiata cond.: Christina Pluhar

"Quel buon pastor son io"
First page of the manuscript of "Quel buon pastor"
PublishedOctober 11, 2021 (2021-10-11)
RecordedOctober 11, 2021 (2021-10-11)
VenueRomanian Athenaeum, Bucharest
Labellive recording, audio and video, broadcast by the Enescu Festival

"Quel buon pastor son io" is an aria sung by the character Tirinto in the oratorio La morte d'Abel[1] by Antonio Caldara. The full name of the libretto is La morte d’Abel figura di quella del nostro Redentore (Abel’s Death as a Symbol for That of Our Saviour.

The author of the libretto is Pietro Metastasio.

Caldara's version was the very first – around 40 different compositions setting Metastasio's libretto to music were to follow.[1]

General info

Template:18th century sacred


Quel buon Pastor son io,
Che tanto il Gregge apprezza
Che per la sua salvezza
Offre se stesso ancor.

Conosco ad una ad una
Le mie dilette agnelle
E riconoscon quelle
Il tenero Pastor.


  1. 1.0 1.1 "La Morte d'Abel". Wikipedia. Retrieved September 11, 2021.

External links