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The opera unites many well-loved tropes while recounting the amorous adventures of the beautiful miller Rachelina. The plot is lively and comical, so it comes as no surprise that the opera stayed internationally popular long after its inception.  
The opera unites many well-loved tropes while recounting the amorous adventures of the beautiful miller Rachelina. The plot is lively and comical, so it comes as no surprise that the opera stayed internationally popular long after its inception.  

La commedia ruota tutta intorno al personaggio della bella e maliziosa Rachelina, padrona di mulino, lusingata dalle attenzioni di due uomini (il nobile Calloandro e il notaio Pistofolo) e indecisa su quale dei due scegliere come corteggiatore. Il gioco è divertente ma pericoloso perché capace di risvegliare la gelosia della baronessa Eugenia, feudataria del luogo nonché promessa a Calloandro. <ref  
The comedy revolves around the character of the beautiful and mischievous Rachelina, owner of a mill, flattered by the attention of two men (the nobleman Calloandro and the notary Pistofolo) and undecided as to which of the two to choose as suitor. The game is fun but dangerous because it can awaken the jealousy of Baroness Eugenia, feudal lord of the place and also promised to Calloandro. <ref name="Operamanager"/>

The scen is on the estate of the Baroness, near naples.<ref>Naples</ref>
The scen is on the estate of the Baroness, near naples.<ref>Naples</ref>