Difference between revisions of "Ifigenia in Aulide (Antonio Caldara)"

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| librettist        = [[Apostolo Zeno]]
| librettist        = [[Apostolo Zeno]]
| language          = Italian
| language          = Italian
| based_on          = Ἰφιγένεια ἐν Αὐλίδι (Iphigenia in Aulis), Euripides
| based_on          = Ἰφιγένεια ἐν Αὐλίδι (Iphigenia in Aulis), Euripides<ref name="Euripides"/>
| premiere_date    = {{Start date|1718|11|04}}<ref name="GrossesS"/>
| premiere_date    = {{Start date|1718|11|04}}<ref name="GrossesS"/>
| premiere_location = Wien
| premiere_location = Wien
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The dilemma that King Agamemnon has to face in ''Iphigenia in Aulis'' is timeless. The price of power and the conflict between personal and public interests are frequent questions in Hollywood blockbusters so it's fair to say that the themes explored in ''Iphigenia in Aulis'' continue to be relevant even today.  
The dilemma that King Agamemnon has to face in ''Iphigenia in Aulis'' is timeless. The price of power and the conflict between personal and public interests are frequent questions in Hollywood blockbusters so it's fair to say that the themes explored in ''Iphigenia in Aulis'' continue to be relevant even today.  

More than one Librettist clad ''Ifigenia in Aulide'' into new words ready for the operatic stage. Most famous is probably Christoph Willibald Gluck's setting, who used a libretto by François-Louis Gand Le Bland Du Roullet after Jean Racines' tragedy.<ref name="WikiGluck"/>
More than one Librettist clad ''Ifigenia in Aulide'' into new words ready for the operatic stage. Most famous is probably Christoph Willibald Gluck's setting, who used a libretto by François-Louis Gand Le Bland Du Roullet after Jean Racines' tragedy.<ref name="WikiGluck"/> Zeno's own introduction (quoted in the section "Synopsis") shows how very well he was aware of other poets that reworked the subject before him, and also the respect he had for his colleagues, idols and predecessors.

As Antonio Caldara was the first composer to set some opera's by Metastasio to music, he also gave life to Zeno's Ifigenia in Aulide. In 1718, Caldara's was its first setting to music; many were to follow. <ref name="Larousse"/>
As Antonio Caldara was the first composer to set some opera's by Metastasio to music, he also gave life to Zeno's Ifigenia in Aulide. In 1718, Caldara's was its first setting to music; many were to follow. <ref name="Larousse"/>
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(Source: ''Poesie Drammatiche'' 1786<ref name="LibrettoItalian"/>)
(Source: ''Italian Libretto 1718, Library of Congress<ref name="LibrettoItalian"/><ref name="Zeno"/>)

{{lang|it|Fra i molti figliuoli che Priamo, Re di Troia, ebbe da Ecuba sua consorte, uno ne fu Alessandro. Natogli appena, fu da lui consegnato ad Agelao suo fedel servo, con ordine di lasciarlo esposto alle fiere nelle foreste del monte Ida; e ciò per aver sognato la Regina, che quel fanciullo sarebbe una facella distruggitrice di tutto il suo Regno. Il fanciullo adunque fu esposto da Agelao, il quale in capo a cinque giorni essendo ritornato a vedere ciò che ne fosse avvenuto, trovò, che un’Orsa lo aveva allattato. Questa cosa lo indusse a ricondurlo segretamente in sua casa, e ad allevarlo sotto nome di Paride, tacendone a tutti la real condizione, fuorchè ad Egle, sua figliuola, che se n’era invaghita. In capo a molti anni Paride segnalandosi tra gli altri pastori col suo senno, e col suo valore, ebbe il governo di quel paese. Innamorossi della Ninfa Enone, figliuola del fiume Cibrene, dalla quale egli altresì fu riamato, ma nascosamente, per temenza dei vaticinj del padre, il quale le avea predetto, che sarebbe la più miserabil donna del mondo, se mai avesse sposato Paride. Ora avvenne che Niso fratello di Enone, avendo ucciso in una rissa il pastore Alceo, fu da Paride condannato a morte; e la vegnente mattina doveasi eseguir la sentenza. Enone andò a gittarglisi a’ piedi per fargliela rivocare; ma non le riuscì di ottenere la grazia, se non a condizione di prima sposarlo la stessa notte. Ciò che quindi ne avvenisse, intendesi dal proseguimento del Dramma, al quale danno motivo di maggior viluppo l’amicizia di Niso, e di Eurialo, ne i versi di Virgilio cotanto celebre: l’andata del Re Priamo in Ida per solennizzare i funerali del creduto morto Alessandro; e ’l riconoscimento di questo. Gran parte di questi avvenimenti si ha dal libro III di Apollodoro, la cui narrazione mi è piaciuto di seguitare, anzi che quella d'Igino, e di altri che diversamente ne parlano; e molte cose ancora se ne son tratte dall’Epitia di Giovanni Batista Giraldi.}}
{{lang|it| L’Armata Greca, la quale si era allestita per andarsene contra Troja sotto il comando di Agamennone, Re di Micene, fu da venti contrarj trattenuta più mesi nel porto di Aulide. Si ricorse all’Oracolo di Diana; e l’indovino Calcante diede in risposta, che mai non si navigherebbe a Troja, se prima non si placasse l’ira di Diana con la morte, e col sacrificio di Ifigenia, figliuola del Re Agamennone. Questo sacrificio è uno de’ più celebri fatti appresso i poeti, i quali però assai diversamente l’han riferito. Alcuni hanno asserito che veramente Ifigenia fosse sacrificata. Così Eschilo, Euripide, Sofocle ed altri. Alcuni sono stati di parere, che Diana mossane a pietà, l’avesse rapita nel punto del sacrificio dalle mani di Calcante, e portata in Tauride, facendo che invece di lei rimanesse uccisa una cerva, o altro animale. Euripide mostra di essere stato anch’egli di questo sentiment, o e Ovvidio ne parla nelle sue Metamorfosi. Altri finalmente hanno scritto che una Ifigenia fu veramente sacrificata, non già la figliuola di Agamennone, ma una figliuola di Elena, natale in segreto da Teseo, avanti che fosse sposa di Menelao, Re di Sparta, al quale non confidò mai questo suo segreto e primo matrimonio con Teseo; e per conseguenza a lui e a tutti tenne occulta la nascita di questa sua Ifigenia, la quale fece allevare sotto altro nome; e io gli do quello di Elisena.
Questa terza opinione, che è sostenuta da Euforione Calcidense, da Alessandro Pleuronio e da Stesicoro Imereo, riportati da Pausania nel libro II. è stata seguitata da me nell’ordimento del Dramma: poiché la prima menava la favola a un fine troppo tragico, e la seconda ad uno scioglimento troppo incredibile. Nelle prime maniere l’argomento è stato maneggiato dall’incomparabile Euripide, e nella terza dal famoso Racine. Confesso di aver tolto assai dall’uno, e dall’altro, ad oggetto di render meno imperfetto che per me fosse possibile, il mio componimento, dove gli amori di Achille, e di Ifigenia, l’andata di quello a Lesbo, donde ne condusse Elisena prigione, ed altre circostanze della favola non sono senza istorico fondamento.}}
(Based on ''Poesie Drammatiche 1786''<ref name="LibrettoItalian"/><ref name="FR"/>)
(Source: ''Italian Libretto 1718, Library of Congress<ref name="LibrettoItalian"/><ref name="Zeno"/><ref name="FR"/>)
Of the many sons that Priam, King of Troy, had by his wife Hecuba, one was Alexander. As soon as he was born, he handed him over to Agelaus, his faithful servant, with orders to leave him exposed to the beasts in the forests of Mount Ida; and this because the Queen had a dream that the child would be the destroyer of her entire kingdom. The child was then abandoned by Agelaus, who after five days returned to see what had happened to it and found that a bear had been breastfeeding it. This caused him to secretly take the child back to his home and raise him under the name of Paris, concealing his true status from everyone except his daughter Egle, who had fallen in love with him. After many years, Paris, distinguishing himself among the other shepherds by his wisdom and valour, had the government of that country. He fell in love with the nymph Enone, daughter of the river Cybrene, by whom he was loved in turn, but secretly, for fear of the prophecies of her father, who had foretold that she would be the most miserable woman in the world if she ever married Paris. Now it came to pass that Niso, brother of Oenon, having killed the shepherd Alceus in a fight, was condemned to death by Paris; and on the morning of the following day the sentence was to be carried out. Oenon went to throw herself at his feet in order to get him to pardon her, but she did not succeed in obtaining the pardon, unless she married him the same night. What happens, therefore, becomes clear in the continuation of the Drama, to which the friendship of Nisus and Euryalus, in the verses of Virgil so famous, give reason for greater development: the going of King Priam to Ida to solemnise the funeral of Alexander, believed dead; and the recognition of this. A large part of these events can be found in Book III of Apollodorus, whose narration I have liked to follow, rather than that of Hyginus, and others who speak of them in a different way; and many other things have been taken from the Epitia of Giovanni Batista Giraldi.
The Greek army, which had been prepared to sail against Troy under the command of Agamemnon, king of Mycenae, was held up for several months in the harbour of Aulis by adverse winds. They called upon the oracle of Diana, and the soothsayer Chalchas replied that they would never sail to Troy unless the wrath of Diana was appeased by the death and sacrifice of Iphigenia, daughter of King Agamemnon. This sacrifice is one of the most famous events reported by the poets, who, however, have recounted it very differently. Some have asserted that truly Iphigenia was sacrificed. So did Aeschylus, Euripides, Sophocles and others. Some have been of the opinion that Diana, moved by pity, had abducted her at the point of the sacrifice from the hands of Chalchas and taken her to Tauride, so that instead of her a hind or other animal was killed. Euripides shows that he too was of this sentiment and Ovid mentions it in his Metamorphoses. Finally, others have written that an Iphigenia was really sacrificed, which wasn't the daughter of Agamemnon, but a daughter of Helen, born in secret of Theseus, before she became the wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta, to whom she never confided this secret and first marriage with Theseus; and consequently she kept the birth of this Iphigenia of hers hidden from him and from everybody, who had her raised under another name; and I give her that of Elisena.
This third opinion, which is supported by Euphorion Chalcidense, Alexander Pleuronius and Stesichorus Hymereus, quoted by Pausanias in Book II, was followed by me in the making of the play, because the first led the fable to too tragic an end and the second to too incredible a dissolution. In the first manner the subject was handled by the incomparable Euripides and in the third by the famous Racine. I confess that I have taken much from one and the other, in order to make my composition as little imperfect as possible, where the loves of Achilles and Iphigenia, his going to Lesbos, from whence he led Elisena to prison, and other circumstances of the fable are not without historical foundation.

===Old German===
===Old German===
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===Modern German===
===Modern German===
(Based on ''Poesie Drammatiche 1786''<ref name="LibrettoItalian"/><ref name="FR"/>)
(Source: ''Italian Libretto 1718, Library of Congress<ref name="LibrettoItalian"/><ref name="Zeno"/><ref name="FR"/>)

Von den vielen Söhnen, die Priamos, der König von Troja, mit seiner Frau Hekuba hatte, war einer Alexander. Gleich nach dessen Geburt übergab er ihn seinem treuen Diener Agelaus mit dem Befehl, ihn in den Wäldern des Berges Ida den Tieren auszusetzen; denn die Königin hatte einen Traum, dass das Kind ihr ganzes Reich zerstören würde. Das Kind wurde daraufhin von Agelaus ausgesetzt, der nach fünf Tagen zurückkehrte, um zu sehen, was mit ihm geschehen war, und feststellte, dass ein Bär es gesäugt hatte. Dies veranlasste ihn, das Kind heimlich mit nach Hause zu nehmen und es unter dem Namen Paris aufzuziehen, wobei er seinen wahren Zustand vor allen verbarg, außer vor seiner Tochter Aegle, die sich in ihn verliebt hatte. Nach vielen Jahren übernahm Paris, der sich unter den anderen Hirten durch seine Weisheit und Tapferkeit auszeichnete, die Herrschaft über jenes Land. Er verliebte sich in die Nymphe Oinone, Tochter des Flusses Cybrene, die er ebenfalls liebte, aber heimlich, aus Furcht vor den Prophezeiungen seines Vaters, der ihr prophezeit hatte, dass sie die unglücklichste Frau der Welt sein würde, wenn sie Paris heiraten würde. Nun begab es sich, dass Niso, der Bruder der Oinone, den Hirten Alkäus im Kampf getötet hatte und von Paris zum Tode verurteilt wurde. Am Morgen dieses Tages sollte das Urteil vollstreckt werden. Oinone warf sich ihm zu Füßen, um Gnade zu erlangen, aber sie konnte die Begnadigung nur unter der Bedingung erwirken, dass sie ihn noch in derselben Nacht heiratete. Was nun geschah, geht aus dem Fortgang des Dramas hervor, dem die in Vergils Versen so berühmte Freundschaft von Nisus und Euryalus Anlass zu größerer Entfaltung gibt: die Reise des Königs Priamos nach Ida, um das Begräbnis des totgeglaubten Alexanders zu begehen, und die Anerkennung desselben. Ein großer Teil dieser Ereignisse findet sich im Buch III des Apollodorus, dessen Schilderung ich lieber gefolgt bin als der des Hyginus und anderer, die anders darüber sprechen; und vieles andere wurde aus der Epitia von Giovanni Batista Giraldi übernommen.
Von den vielen Söhnen, die Priamos, der König von Troja, mit seiner Frau Hekuba hatte, war einer Alexander. Gleich nach dessen Geburt übergab er ihn seinem treuen Diener Agelaus mit dem Befehl, ihn in den Wäldern des Berges Ida den Tieren auszusetzen; denn die Königin hatte einen Traum, dass das Kind ihr ganzes Reich zerstören würde. Das Kind wurde daraufhin von Agelaus ausgesetzt, der nach fünf Tagen zurückkehrte, um zu sehen, was mit ihm geschehen war, und feststellte, dass ein Bär es gesäugt hatte. Dies veranlasste ihn, das Kind heimlich mit nach Hause zu nehmen und es unter dem Namen Paris aufzuziehen, wobei er seinen wahren Zustand vor allen verbarg, außer vor seiner Tochter Aegle, die sich in ihn verliebt hatte. Nach vielen Jahren übernahm Paris, der sich unter den anderen Hirten durch seine Weisheit und Tapferkeit auszeichnete, die Herrschaft über jenes Land. Er verliebte sich in die Nymphe Oinone, Tochter des Flusses Cybrene, die er ebenfalls liebte, aber heimlich, aus Furcht vor den Prophezeiungen seines Vaters, der ihr prophezeit hatte, dass sie die unglücklichste Frau der Welt sein würde, wenn sie Paris heiraten würde. Nun begab es sich, dass Niso, der Bruder der Oinone, den Hirten Alkäus im Kampf getötet hatte und von Paris zum Tode verurteilt wurde. Am Morgen dieses Tages sollte das Urteil vollstreckt werden. Oinone warf sich ihm zu Füßen, um Gnade zu erlangen, aber sie konnte die Begnadigung nur unter der Bedingung erwirken, dass sie ihn noch in derselben Nacht heiratete. Was nun geschah, geht aus dem Fortgang des Dramas hervor, dem die in Vergils Versen so berühmte Freundschaft von Nisus und Euryalus Anlass zu größerer Entfaltung gibt: die Reise des Königs Priamos nach Ida, um das Begräbnis des totgeglaubten Alexanders zu begehen, und die Anerkennung desselben. Ein großer Teil dieser Ereignisse findet sich im Buch III des Apollodorus, dessen Schilderung ich lieber gefolgt bin als der des Hyginus und anderer, die anders darüber sprechen; und vieles andere wurde aus der Epitia von Giovanni Batista Giraldi übernommen.

==Roles and premiere cast==
==Roles and premiere cast==
[[File:Cast Ifigenia Caldara score.jpg|thumb|alt=Cast according to the score|Cast according to the score<ref name="IMSLP"/>]]
[[File:Cast Ifigenia Caldara score.jpg|thumb|alt=Cast according to the score|Cast according to the score]]
<ref name="IMSLP"/>]]
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
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!Description (it/eng)  
!Description (it/eng)  
!Voice type
!Voice type
!Premiere Cast, August 28, 1729<ref name="IMSLP"/>
!Premiere cast, 1718<ref name="IMSLP"/>
|Agamennone (Agamemnon)
|Agamennone (Agamemnon)
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==Antonio Caldara's ''Enone'' in Philippe Jaroussky's discography, filmography and performance history==
==Antonio Caldara's ''Ifigenia in Aulide'' in Philippe Jaroussky's discography, filmography and performance history==
===Solo Albums/Recital albums===
===Solo Albums/Recital albums===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="zebra
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="zebra
Line 304: Line 308:
===Complete list of musical numbers from Antonio Caldara's ''Enone''===
===Complete list of musical numbers from Antonio Caldara's ''Ifigenia in Aulide''===
This listing only contains the musical pieces performed and/or recorded by Philippe Jaroussky.
This listing only contains the musical pieces performed and/or recorded by Philippe Jaroussky.
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="zebra"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="zebra"
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|2010 (recorded)
|2010 (recorded)
| [[Vado, o sposa (Antonio Caldara)|"Vado, o sposa"]]
| [[Tutto fa nocchiero esperto (Antonio Caldara)|"Tutto fa nocchiero esperto"]]
| [[Caldara in Vienna (Album)]]
| [[Caldara in Vienna (Album)]]
| 1729<ref name="Booklet"/>
| 1718<ref name="Booklet"/>

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<ref name="Larousse">{{cite book  
<ref name="Larousse">{{cite book  
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|title=Dictionnaire lyrique ou Histoire des opéras
|title=Dictionnaire lyrique ou Histoire des opéras
|access-date = {{date|2021-10-11|MDY}}
| access-date = {{date|2021-10-11|MDY}}
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|publisher=Slatkine Reprints
|publisher=Slatkine Reprints
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| title = Ifigenia in Aulide. Libretto. Italian
| title = Ifigenia in Aulide. Libretto. Italian
| url = https://www.loc.gov/resource/musschatz.19104.0?st=gallery
| url = https://www.loc.gov/resource/musschatz.19104.0?st=gallery
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| archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20231012222120/https://www.loc.gov/resource/musschatz.19104.0?st=gallery
| location = Venezia, Italy, Library of Congress Control Number 2010665727
| location = Venezia, Italy, Library of Congress Control Number 2010665727
| publisher =Domenico Lovisa
| publisher =Domenico Lovisa
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|title= Großes Sängerlexikon, Band 4
|title= Großes Sängerlexikon, Band 4
|publisher=De Gruyter
|publisher=De Gruyter
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| url = https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iphig%C3%A9nie_en_Aulide
| url = https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iphig%C3%A9nie_en_Aulide
| archive-url =Iphigénie en Aulide
| archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20231012213816/https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iphig%C3%A9nie_en_Aulide
| archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20231012213816/https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iphig%C3%A9nie_en_Aulide
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| title = Iphigénie en Aulide
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| url = https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ifigenia_in_Aulide_(Zeno)
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| archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/2/https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ifigenia_in_Aulide_(Zeno)
| archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20231012214501/https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ifigenia_in_Aulide_(Zeno)
| title = Ifigenia in Aulide (Zeno)
| title = Ifigenia in Aulide (Zeno)
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| url = https://www.apostolozeno.it/public/testo/testo/codice/IFIGENIA%7CA-W718%7C001
| url = https://www.apostolozeno.it/public/testo/testo/codice/IFIGENIA%7CA-W718%7C001
| archive-url= https://web.archive.org/web/2/https://www.apostolozeno.it/public/testo/testo/codice/IFIGENIA%7CA-W718%7C001
| archive-url= https://web.archive.org/web/20231012220619/https://www.apostolozeno.it/public/testo/testo/codice/IFIGENIA%7CA-W718%7C001
| title = Ifigenia in Aulide, Vienna, van Ghelen, 1718
| title = Ifigenia in Aulide, Vienna, van Ghelen, 1718
| last = Zeno
| last = Zeno

Latest revision as of 02:52, 13 October 2023

Ifigenia in Aulide is an opera (dramma per musica) by Antonio Caldara in three acts, based on a libretto by Apostolo Zeno. The opera premiered in Vienna on November 4, 1718 (1718-11-04).[3][2]

Ifigenia in Aulide
opera seria by Antonio Caldara
Jacques-Louis David, The Anger of Achilles
Jacques-Louis David, The Anger of Achilles (1819)
Translationdt.: Iphigenie in Aulis
LibrettistApostolo Zeno
Based onἸφιγένεια ἐν Αὐλίδι (Iphigenia in Aulis), Euripides[1]
November 4, 1718 (1718-11-04)[2]

Iphigenia in Aulis and Iphigenia in Tauris are two Greek tragedies by the playwright Euripides. They both center around the character of Iphigenia, the daughter of King Agamemnon and Queen Clytemnestra. However, they take place at different points in her life.

The dilemma that King Agamemnon has to face in Iphigenia in Aulis is timeless. The price of power and the conflict between personal and public interests are frequent questions in Hollywood blockbusters so it's fair to say that the themes explored in Iphigenia in Aulis continue to be relevant even today.

More than one Librettist clad Ifigenia in Aulide into new words ready for the operatic stage. Most famous is probably Christoph Willibald Gluck's setting, who used a libretto by François-Louis Gand Le Bland Du Roullet after Jean Racines' tragedy.[4] Zeno's own introduction (quoted in the section "Synopsis") shows how very well he was aware of other poets that reworked the subject before him, and also the respect he had for his colleagues, idols and predecessors.

As Antonio Caldara was the first composer to set some opera's by Metastasio to music, he also gave life to Zeno's Ifigenia in Aulide. In 1718, Caldara's was its first setting to music; many were to follow. [5] The following list mentions only the Ifigenia in Aulides which are based on the libretto by Apostolo Zeno:[6]

Composer Location Date
Caldara, Vienna Vienna 1718
Nicola Antonio Porpora c. 1742
Girolamo Abos Naples c. 1745
Tommaso Traetta 1759 Vienna
Majo Naples 1762
Pietro Alessandro Guglielmi, Italy 1765
Jomelli San Carlo, Naples 1773
Francesco Salari Casal-Monferrato 1776
Giuseppe Sarti Venice 1777
Martin y Solar (=Vicente Martín y Soler) Florence 1781
Prati, Florence 1784
Giuseppe Giordani Rome 1786
Nicola Zingarelli Milan 1787
Ferdinando Bertoni Trieste 1790
J. Mosca 1798
Rossi (Laurent) Gevnova 1798
Vittorio Trento San Carlo, Naples 4. Nov.1803
J.-S. Mayer (Probably = Johann Simon Mayr) Parma 1806
Vincenzo Federici 1809



(Source: Italian Libretto 1718, Library of Congress[7][8])

L’Armata Greca, la quale si era allestita per andarsene contra Troja sotto il comando di Agamennone, Re di Micene, fu da venti contrarj trattenuta più mesi nel porto di Aulide. Si ricorse all’Oracolo di Diana; e l’indovino Calcante diede in risposta, che mai non si navigherebbe a Troja, se prima non si placasse l’ira di Diana con la morte, e col sacrificio di Ifigenia, figliuola del Re Agamennone. Questo sacrificio è uno de’ più celebri fatti appresso i poeti, i quali però assai diversamente l’han riferito. Alcuni hanno asserito che veramente Ifigenia fosse sacrificata. Così Eschilo, Euripide, Sofocle ed altri. Alcuni sono stati di parere, che Diana mossane a pietà, l’avesse rapita nel punto del sacrificio dalle mani di Calcante, e portata in Tauride, facendo che invece di lei rimanesse uccisa una cerva, o altro animale. Euripide mostra di essere stato anch’egli di questo sentiment, o e Ovvidio ne parla nelle sue Metamorfosi. Altri finalmente hanno scritto che una Ifigenia fu veramente sacrificata, non già la figliuola di Agamennone, ma una figliuola di Elena, natale in segreto da Teseo, avanti che fosse sposa di Menelao, Re di Sparta, al quale non confidò mai questo suo segreto e primo matrimonio con Teseo; e per conseguenza a lui e a tutti tenne occulta la nascita di questa sua Ifigenia, la quale fece allevare sotto altro nome; e io gli do quello di Elisena.

Questa terza opinione, che è sostenuta da Euforione Calcidense, da Alessandro Pleuronio e da Stesicoro Imereo, riportati da Pausania nel libro II. è stata seguitata da me nell’ordimento del Dramma: poiché la prima menava la favola a un fine troppo tragico, e la seconda ad uno scioglimento troppo incredibile. Nelle prime maniere l’argomento è stato maneggiato dall’incomparabile Euripide, e nella terza dal famoso Racine. Confesso di aver tolto assai dall’uno, e dall’altro, ad oggetto di render meno imperfetto che per me fosse possibile, il mio componimento, dove gli amori di Achille, e di Ifigenia, l’andata di quello a Lesbo, donde ne condusse Elisena prigione, ed altre circostanze della favola non sono senza istorico fondamento.


(Source: Italian Libretto 1718, Library of Congress[7][8][9])

The Greek army, which had been prepared to sail against Troy under the command of Agamemnon, king of Mycenae, was held up for several months in the harbour of Aulis by adverse winds. They called upon the oracle of Diana, and the soothsayer Chalchas replied that they would never sail to Troy unless the wrath of Diana was appeased by the death and sacrifice of Iphigenia, daughter of King Agamemnon. This sacrifice is one of the most famous events reported by the poets, who, however, have recounted it very differently. Some have asserted that truly Iphigenia was sacrificed. So did Aeschylus, Euripides, Sophocles and others. Some have been of the opinion that Diana, moved by pity, had abducted her at the point of the sacrifice from the hands of Chalchas and taken her to Tauride, so that instead of her a hind or other animal was killed. Euripides shows that he too was of this sentiment and Ovid mentions it in his Metamorphoses. Finally, others have written that an Iphigenia was really sacrificed, which wasn't the daughter of Agamemnon, but a daughter of Helen, born in secret of Theseus, before she became the wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta, to whom she never confided this secret and first marriage with Theseus; and consequently she kept the birth of this Iphigenia of hers hidden from him and from everybody, who had her raised under another name; and I give her that of Elisena.

This third opinion, which is supported by Euphorion Chalcidense, Alexander Pleuronius and Stesichorus Hymereus, quoted by Pausanias in Book II, was followed by me in the making of the play, because the first led the fable to too tragic an end and the second to too incredible a dissolution. In the first manner the subject was handled by the incomparable Euripides and in the third by the famous Racine. I confess that I have taken much from one and the other, in order to make my composition as little imperfect as possible, where the loves of Achilles and Iphigenia, his going to Lesbos, from whence he led Elisena to prison, and other circumstances of the fable are not without historical foundation.

Old German

(Source: Libretto 1718[10])

Die Griechische Armee / welche zur Eroberung Troja unter der Anführung des Agamemnon Micenischen Königs augerüstet ware / wurde durch widrigen Winde etliche Monat lang in dem See-Hafen zu Aulides zuruck*gehalten. Man nahme dessentwegen die Zuflucht zu dem Götzen-Bild der Diana / und der Weissager Calchas gabe zur Antwort / daß man niemalen nach Troja schiffen kunte / wofern man nicht zuvor den Zorn der Diana durch den Tod und Schlacht-Opfer der Ifigenia des Königs Agamemnon Tochter besänftigen wurde. Dieses Opfer ist eines deren berühmtesten Gedichten unter denen Poeten / welche aber solches auf unterschidliche Wiese erzehlen. Etliche wollen behaupten / daß die Ifigenia warhaftig seye aufgeopferet worden. Also bejahen es Escilus / Euripides / Sophocles / und noch mehrer. Andere aber synd der Meinung gewesen / daß solche die Diana aus Mitleiden bewogen zur Zeit des Opfers aus denen Händen des Calchas entrissen / nach Tauris übertragen / und zugleich gemacht hätte / daß auftat ihrer ein Hirschlein / oder anderes Thier geschlachtet wurde. Dieser Meinung scheinet auch der Euripides beyzustimmen / und der Ovidius bekräftiget solche in seiner Metamorphosis. Endlichen haben andere geschriben / daß die Ifigenia wahrhaftig seye geschlachtet worden / die aber nicht eine Tochter des Agamemnon / sondern der Helena gewesen / welche sie mit dem Teseus noch vor der Vermählung mit dem Menelaus König von Sparta erzeiget hatte / diesem hat sie niemals ein so wichtiges Geheimnus / und ihre erste Ehe mit dem Teseus geoffenbahret / folglich ist ihme und allen anderen die Geburt dieser ihrer Ifigenia verborgen gebliben / welche sie unter einem anderen Namen auferziehen lassen; ich sie aber Elisena benamen will. Dieser dritten Meinung / welche von dem Calcidensischen Euforione / von dem Allexander Pleuronius / und dem Stesicorus Imereus in dem anderen Buch bey dem Pausanias unterstützet wird / hab ich in Verfassung gegenwärtiger Vorstellung beypflichten wollen: als dieweilen die ertere zu einen allzutraurigen Ende verleitet / die andere aber die aufläsung der Gedichts-Verfassung alzu unglaublich machte. Auf die erstere Art ist der Inhalt von dem unvergleichlichen Euripides / und auf der dritten von dem berühmten Racines geführet worden. Ich gestehe es / daß ich von der einen und anderen sehr viel entlehnet habe / damit ich / so viel es mir immer möglich ware / meine gegenwärtige Verfassung desto vollkommener verfertigen kunte / in welcher sich die Liebe des Achilles mit der Ifigenia / dessen Reise nach Lesbos / von wannen er die Elisena gefangen hinweg geführet / und andere umstände gegenwärtiger Fabel nicht ohne Historischen Grunde befinden.

*)This word and many others deviate from modern standard German use and spelling. For a modern translation of the original Italian, see below.

Modern German

(Source: Italian Libretto 1718, Library of Congress[7][8][9])

Von den vielen Söhnen, die Priamos, der König von Troja, mit seiner Frau Hekuba hatte, war einer Alexander. Gleich nach dessen Geburt übergab er ihn seinem treuen Diener Agelaus mit dem Befehl, ihn in den Wäldern des Berges Ida den Tieren auszusetzen; denn die Königin hatte einen Traum, dass das Kind ihr ganzes Reich zerstören würde. Das Kind wurde daraufhin von Agelaus ausgesetzt, der nach fünf Tagen zurückkehrte, um zu sehen, was mit ihm geschehen war, und feststellte, dass ein Bär es gesäugt hatte. Dies veranlasste ihn, das Kind heimlich mit nach Hause zu nehmen und es unter dem Namen Paris aufzuziehen, wobei er seinen wahren Zustand vor allen verbarg, außer vor seiner Tochter Aegle, die sich in ihn verliebt hatte. Nach vielen Jahren übernahm Paris, der sich unter den anderen Hirten durch seine Weisheit und Tapferkeit auszeichnete, die Herrschaft über jenes Land. Er verliebte sich in die Nymphe Oinone, Tochter des Flusses Cybrene, die er ebenfalls liebte, aber heimlich, aus Furcht vor den Prophezeiungen seines Vaters, der ihr prophezeit hatte, dass sie die unglücklichste Frau der Welt sein würde, wenn sie Paris heiraten würde. Nun begab es sich, dass Niso, der Bruder der Oinone, den Hirten Alkäus im Kampf getötet hatte und von Paris zum Tode verurteilt wurde. Am Morgen dieses Tages sollte das Urteil vollstreckt werden. Oinone warf sich ihm zu Füßen, um Gnade zu erlangen, aber sie konnte die Begnadigung nur unter der Bedingung erwirken, dass sie ihn noch in derselben Nacht heiratete. Was nun geschah, geht aus dem Fortgang des Dramas hervor, dem die in Vergils Versen so berühmte Freundschaft von Nisus und Euryalus Anlass zu größerer Entfaltung gibt: die Reise des Königs Priamos nach Ida, um das Begräbnis des totgeglaubten Alexanders zu begehen, und die Anerkennung desselben. Ein großer Teil dieser Ereignisse findet sich im Buch III des Apollodorus, dessen Schilderung ich lieber gefolgt bin als der des Hyginus und anderer, die anders darüber sprechen; und vieles andere wurde aus der Epitia von Giovanni Batista Giraldi übernommen.

Roles and premiere cast

Cast according to the score[11]

Role Description (it/eng) Voice type Premiere cast, 1718[11]
Agamennone (Agamemnon) Re di Micene (King of Mycenae) T Silvio
Clitennestra (Clytemnestra) Sua Moglie (his wife) S La Schonians
Ifigenia (Iphigenia) loro Figliuola (their daughter) S La Conti
Achille (Achilles) Principe di Tessaglia, amante di Ifigenia (prince of Thessalia, lover of Iphigenie) Gaetano
Elisena Principessa di Lesbo, amante di Achille S Domenico
Ulisse (Ulysses) Re di Itaca T Francesco Borosini
Teucro uo de' Capitani Greci, amante di Elisena Pietro Casati
Arcade Confidente di Agamennone B Braun (= Christoph Praun)
[10][8][11][12]Singers: RISM ID no.: 840010092, Bibliothek (Sigel Signatur): Paris, (F-Pn) and score[11]

Répertoire International des Sources Musicales – RISM-OPAC

  • RISM ID no.: 600100968[12]


  • Deutsches Libretto:
Zeno, Apostolo (1718). Enon ... Welsch gesungener vorgestellet. Poesie (etc.) Apostolo Zeno, in Musik gesetzt. Übers.: Anotnio Prokoff. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek: Van Gehlen. Archived from the original on October 12, 2021. Retrieved October 12, 2021.[10]
  • Italian Libretto1:
Zeno, Apostolo. "Ifigenia in Aulide, Vienna, van Ghelen, 1718". Apostolo Zeno. Retrieved October 12, 2021.
  • Italian Libretto2:
Zeno, Apostolo (1718). Ifigenia in Aulide. Libretto. Italian. Venezia, Italy, Library of Congress Control Number 2010665727: Domenico Lovisa. Retrieved October 11, 2021.CS1 maint: location (link)
  • Score:
Work Title Ifigenia in Aulide
Alternative Title Dramma per musica in tre atti
Composer Caldara, Antonio
I-Catalogue Number IAC 56
Movements/Sections 3 Acts
Year/Date of Composition 1718
First Performance 1718-11-05 in Vienna, Hoftheater
Librettist Apostolo Zeno (1669-1750)
Language Italian
Composer Time Period Baroque
Piece Style Baroque
Instrumentation voices, orchestra
"Enone (Caldara, Antonio)". IMSLP. Archived from the original on October 11, 2021. Retrieved October 11, 2021.

Antonio Caldara's Ifigenia in Aulide in Philippe Jaroussky's discography, filmography and performance history

Solo Albums/Recital albums

Year Album
2010 (recorded) Caldara in Vienna (Album)

Complete list of musical numbers from Antonio Caldara's Ifigenia in Aulide

This listing only contains the musical pieces performed and/or recorded by Philippe Jaroussky.

Year published or performed Title Album, Video or Concert Program Year first published/performed
2010 (recorded) "Tutto fa nocchiero esperto" Caldara in Vienna (Album) 1718[3]


  1. "Iphigenia in Aulis". Wikipedia. Archived from the original on October 11, 2021. Retrieved October 11, 2021.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Kutsch, Karl-Josef; Riemens, Leo; Rost, Hansjörg (2012). Großes Sängerlexikon, Band 4. De Gruyter. p. 5251. ISBN 9783598440885. Archived from the original on October 11, 2021. Retrieved October 11, 2021.
  3. 3.0 3.1 "Booklet Caldara in Vienna" (PDF). Idagio. Archived (PDF) from the original on October 1, 2023. Retrieved October 1, 2023.
  4. "Iphigénie en Aulide". Wikipedia. Archived from the original on October 12, 2021. Retrieved October 12, 2021.
  5. Clément, Félix; Larousse, Pierre (1999). Dictionnaire lyrique ou Histoire des opéras. Slatkine Reprints. p. 352. ISBN 9782051016964. Retrieved October 11, 2021.
  6. "Ifigenia in Aulide (Zeno)". Wikipedia. Archived from the original on October 11, 2021. Retrieved October 11, 2021.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Zeno, Apostolo (1718). Ifigenia in Aulide. Libretto. Italian. Venezia, Italy, Library of Congress Control Number 2010665727: Domenico Lovisa. Archived from the original on October 11, 2021. Retrieved October 11, 2021.CS1 maint: location (link)
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Zeno, Apostolo. "Ifigenia in Aulide, Vienna, van Ghelen, 1718". Apostolo Zeno. Archived from the original on October 12, 2021. Retrieved October 12, 2021.
  9. 9.0 9.1 Translation: FR, with a little help from DeepL
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Zeno, Apostolo (1718). Enon ... Welsch gesungener vorgestellet. Poesie (etc.) Apostolo Zeno, in Musik gesetzt. Übers.: Anotnio Prokoff. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek: Van Gehlen. Archived from the original on October 12, 2021. Retrieved October 12, 2021.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 "Enone (Caldara, Antonio)". IMSLP. Archived from the original on October 11, 2021. Retrieved October 11, 2021.
  12. 12.0 12.1 "Search". RISM OPAC. Retrieved October 11, 2021.